SOCIUS Members
Helena Jerónimo
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Personal Data | Name: Helena Jerónimo
Email: jeronimo@iseg.ulisboa.pt
Phone: (+351) 21 392 59 44 |
Academic Degrees | BA in Sociology from the Economics Faculty of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, with the fifth year spent at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, under the Erasmus exchange programme.
Master in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies from ISCTE.
PhD in Sociology from the Faculty of Social and Political Science of the University of Cambridge, UK. |
Current Professional Activity | Assistant Professor at ISEG-ULisboa, lecturing in Communication and Negotiation, Organisational Psychosociology, Human Behaviour in Organisations (taught in English), Human Resource Management and Applications for HRM.
Visiting professor at ISEGI-UNL for the discipline of Organisational Behaviour.
Researcher at the Research Centre for Economic and Organisational Sociology (SOCIUS) since 1998 and a member of the Board during the biennial of 2014-16. |
Domains of Research | Her research has mainly been focused on the domain of the Social Studies of Science and Technology. The main topics of her publication are: Risk and Uncertainty; Environmental Conflicts; Scientific Expertise and Political Decision-making. |
Relevant Publications | Garcia, José Luís, João Carlos Graça, Helena Mateus Jerónimo e Rafael Marques (2014), "Portuguese Sociology: A non Cesurial Perspective", in Alexandros-Andreas Kyrtsis and Sokratis Koniordos (eds.), The Handbook of European Sociology, Routledge, pp. 357-375 (no prelo).
Jerónimo, Helena Mateus, José Luís Garcia e Carl Mitcham (eds.), Jacques Ellul and the Technological Society in the 21st Century, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.
Jerónimo, Helena Mateus e José Luís Garcia (2011), "Risks, alternative knowledge strategies and democratic legitimacy: the conflict over co-incineration of hazardous industrial waste in Portugal", Journal of Risk Research, vol. 14, n.º 8, pp. 951-967.
Jerónimo, Helena Mateus (2011), "El peritaje científico en la era de la tecnociencia y de las incertidumbres: multiplicidades, posibilidades y límites", in Teresa González de la Fe e Antonio López Peláez (orgs.), Innovación, Conocimiento Científico y Cambio Social: Ensayos de Sociología Ibérica de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Madrid, CIS, pp. 53-68.
Jerónimo, Helena Mateus (2010), Queimar a Incerteza: Poder e Ambiente no Conflito da Co-incineração de Resíduos Industriais Perigosos, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, Lisboa. |
Curriculum | CV |
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